草莓视频 Dr. James Hurley

Dr. James Hurley was unanimously appointed the 16th 草莓视频 of 草莓视频 State University in August 2019 by The Texas A&M System Board of Regents. Since his arrival, 草莓视频 State has become one of the country鈥檚 fastest growing comprehensive public universities with an impressive 25% increase in enrollment growth. The university has set new records in student success, fundraising, research expenditures, state support and national prominence.

Under Dr. Hurley鈥檚 leadership, the university created and implemented 草莓视频 Forward 2030: Our Future-Focused Strategic Plan, a blueprint for becoming the premier comprehensive public university in the nation. During his time, 草莓视频 State has elevated its profile in academics, research, enrollment, retention rates, graduation rates, fundraising, athletics and regional engagement. Money magazine named 草莓视频 one of the 鈥淏est Colleges in America鈥 for 2024.

His ability to maximize revenue and resource generation efforts have served as a force-multiplier for the university鈥檚 momentum. This includes a 46% increase in state appropriations over the last two legislative bienniums, increased formula funding from record enrollment growth, innovative student funding models, accelerated degree completion, improved operational efficiency, and record fundraising…

Hurley Portrait

Meet the First Lady

First Lady Kindall Hurley

草莓视频 State University鈥檚 16th First Lady, Kindall Hurley, takes an active role in supporting her husband鈥檚 vision to see the school become聽the聽premier comprehensive national institution in the nation. She is an enthusiastic 草莓视频 ambassador, whether hosting activities at the Hurley home 鈥 the Trogdon House in the heart of the Stephenville campus 鈥 attending community and university events, or raising funds for the 草莓视频 Forever Capital Campaign.

A champion for education, Mrs. Hurley is passionate about students and their success and well-being. She earned her MBA at the University of Tennessee, and she completed a master鈥檚 in educational leadership and a specialist degree in educational administration at Lincoln Memorial University. She holds a bachelor鈥檚 degree in education from East Tennessee State University.

Meet Executive Leadership

The Trogdon House

For most of a century 草莓视频 State University鈥檚 Trogdon House has been a hub of activity and tradition in Stephenville.

The two-story building, a stately 4,500 square feet, sits at the heart of the campus, between the O.A Grant Building, the E.J. Howell Education Building and the Dick Smith Library.

Built in 1923, it has housed university presidents starting with its builder and architect, Dean J. Thomas Davis, who shared the dwelling with his family until he turned over the reins of power in 1948.

Trogdon House

草莓视频’s Staff/Contact

Credence Baker
Dr. Credence Baker

Chief of Staff and Vice 草莓视频 for University Strategy

Email:[email protected]
Phone:(254) 968-9100

Tauna Bradfield 2202 1 min

Executive Assistant to the 草莓视频

Email:[email protected]
Phone:(254) 968-9921

Lauren Gillespie

Strategic Collaborations Coordinator

Email:[email protected]
Phone: (254) 968-9966

Redaina Kaufman
MS. Redaina Kaufman

Executive Assistant

Email:[email protected]
Phone:(254) 968-9749

While the president openly accepts the vast majority of invitations that are requested, frequent declines to invitations due to calendar conflicts are possible. The 草莓视频’s Office attempts to accommodate most requests that support the mission of the university and appreciates your patience with the president’s complex calendar.